Mothers And Daughters (2016)

Cover Mothers And Daughters
Genres: Fiction
‘He means well, Mum,’ Evie scolded Alice when she complained at his arrogance and his cheek. ‘After all, like it or not, he is now part of the family.’ ‘But not a part we want, or need,’ Alice responded, annoyed with Nick for seducing her daughter and fearful for Evie being left in the lurch with a baby to care for. These new family combinations disturbed her. She’d barely got used to life without Julian and now her girls were changing the balance of the family even further with their surprise couplings and instant grandchildren.
‘It’s too late now, Mum, and he’s only trying to help.’ Evie went on, her voice, far away at the end of the phone, crisp with impatience.
‘He should have thought of that before he went to bed with you and got you pregnant,’ Alice said, before cursing herself for her remarks as, true to form, Evie got all huffy and rang off.
Later, when she’d cooled down, Alice felt sorry she’d spoken so harshly to Evie, though she couldn’t help feeling upset with her for gett herself caught in this way.MoreLess
Mothers And Daughters
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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

This was an enjoyable read. It is essentially about one character and the people in her life. I wish I knew more about some of the other people and why they did what they did. I think the most intriguing character was Cecily. Perhaps the author might do a novel on her life one day.

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