Moonlight: the Big Bad Wolf (Black Swan 4)

Cover Moonlight: the Big Bad Wolf (Black Swan 4)
Genres: Fiction
Most of New York's vamp population had grown fat and complacent living in the underground. The irony was that it was one of their own who had planned and executed the operation that turned the vampire version of the easy life into their tomb.
The event had done such a bang up job of extermination that there had been little to do since. Sol shared with Storm and Glen that he worried about the knights losing their edge. They still maintained a duty roster and patrolled, but no longer expected to
...find anything. It was making them sloppy - a very dangerous thing for a vampire slay..., uh, curer.
"In fact we haven't scored a single cure." Sol placed his coffee cup in the saucer then leaned back, causing the leather desk chair to squeak and groan.
"It's decision time. And this is what I'm thinking." He paused before steepling his fingers. "Very strange asking other people what they think. I've been keeping my own counsel for a very long time." Glancing between Storm and Glen, he began to lay out his thought process.

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