Moonflower Madness

Cover Moonflower Madness
Genres: Fiction
Brilliant sunlight was streaming through the shutters into the room, and Gianetta wondered for a moment whether she had overslept. She opened the door, half expecting to find her uncle on her doorstep, all ready for departure. Instead, she found an anxious-looking Elizabeth Daly.
    ‘I’m sorry to disturb you so early, Miss Hollis, but after the way you spoke about your pony yesterday I thought I had better warn you …’ She looked as if she had dressed in great haste. The buttons on the long sle
...eves of her mauve cotton-dress were undone and her grey-streaked hair looked as if it had been wound into a bun without the benefit of a hairbrush.
    As the older woman entered the room, Gianetta stared at her bewilderedly. ‘Warn me? About what?’ Elizabeth Daly’s normally serene face was perturbed. ‘Ben. Your pony. I gained the impression yesterday that you were exceedingly fond of him and …’ Fear gripped Gianetta’s heart. ‘I am. Is he ill?

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