Mission: Earth "voyage of Vengeance"

Cover Mission: Earth "voyage of Vengeance"
Genres: Fiction
The Crown has been most lenient in allowing the publication of this fallacious sensationalism. In fact, the appearance of this work in print has clearly proven beyond the shadow of a doubt the Crown's confidence that the reading public will spurn this balderdash and turn instead to solid fact.
In allowing the release of this deluded fantasy, the Crown also hopes that the failure of this book will prove to the writer and any who might be interested that there is no market for such capricious phantasms and that one should seek more realistic pursuits.
There are 110 planets in our great Confederacy and more yet to conquer. There is no limit to the number of meaningful topics upon which one could expound, and every single one of them would be more worthwhile and accurate than this utter, lying nonsense about the existence of this so-called planet "Earth." There is no "Earth," or "Blito-P3," as it is supposed to be designated on our astrographic charts. There is simply no such place.
...fore, the reader need go no further.MoreLess
Mission: Earth "voyage of Vengeance"
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