Miss Julia Renews Her Vows

Cover Miss Julia Renews Her Vows
Miss Julia Renews Her Vows
Ann B. Ross
Genres: Fiction
I said, as she pushed through the swinging door and came back into the kitchen. I was still bemused by Emma Sue’s revelation of the difficulty of being in bed with her pastor. “Lillian,” I said again, “have you ever thought of your pastor as a regular man? I mean, like he’s a husband?”
“No’m, not mine.”
“Oh, I’m not talking about your pastor in particular. I’m just wondering about men of the cloth in general. I’d think it’d be a little disconcerting to be married to a man who puts on a pastoral
... robe and stands up in a pulpit to deliver the word of God, and then go home with him and, you know, be his wife.”
She studied me a minute. “I tell you the truth, Miss Julia. It never cross my mind, ’cept for oncet a long time ago when we had this young preacher come for the summer. I thought about him takin’ off that robe all summer long.”
I laughed. “Well, you were young then. But I was just thinking it would be hard for a pastor’s wife to switch back and forth.

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