Miss Julia Delivers the Goods

Cover Miss Julia Delivers the Goods
Miss Julia Delivers the Goods
Ann B. Ross
Genres: Fiction
My foot slipped off the brake onto the gas pedal as I backed out of the parking slot. The car jolted to a stop with a shattering crunch, snapping my head forward. Metal scraped against metal, and Lillian ended up hung over the front seat, screeching her head off.
“Oh, sweet Jesus!” Lillian shrieked. “You done hit something.” She had her arms wrapped around Hazel Marie, holding on tight. “You all right? Are you all right?”
“Oh, Lord!” I cried, thinking I’d ruined Hazel Marie as well as my car. I
... flung open the door and sprang out to see what the damage was. I knew what I’d hit. I’d seen it big as life before I started backing out. I mean, who wouldn’t have seen something as big as a Dempster Dumpster?
Walking to the rear of the brand new car I’d purchased for my trip to Palm Beach only a few months before, I surveyed the result of a foot slippage. There was a huge dent in the trunk and the bumper was caved in with one end dangling on the pavement. The corner of the Dumpster where I’d hit it had only a little chrome and black paint on it, which would wash off in the first rain and nobody’d ever be the wiser.

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