Minerva Clark Gives Up the Ghost (2007)

Cover Minerva Clark Gives Up the Ghost
Genres: Fiction
Dagnitz I was hanging out with Chelsea de Guzman today. After we’d solved the mystery of what happened to the red diamond belonging to her father, Louis de Guzman, Chelsea had been my best friend for forty-eight hours. Then, over the last week, Chelsea had become best friends with Hannah, who used to be my best friend, long ago, last year. Chelsea changed best friends more often than most people floss their teeth. Chelsea hadn’t answered any of my text messages in more than a week. One day I wa...s moping around and Quills asked me what was wrong. I told him and he said girls my age were evil incarnate. I’m not sure what “incarnate” means, exactly. I bet girls who lie to their moms are also evil incarnate.
Corbett Street was shady and lined with narrow two-story houses. Some were painted purple and pink and had crazy lawn ornaments and gardens overgrown with roses and sunflowers. Some of the houses had those Tibetan prayer flags strung across their sagging front porches. People had small gardens between their houses.

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