Midnight Never Comes - Pc 04 (V5)

Cover Midnight Never Comes - Pc 04 (V5)
Genres: Fiction
Rain rattled against the windows and, below, the grey-green surface of the sea was whipped into white-caps.'If we come in from the north, the cliffs should conceal our approach,' von Bayern said.'What about the wind direction? Will it be okay for landing?''Good enough. It's the down-draughts from those cliffs we'll have to watch for.'He turned to starboard a couple of points, running north-west into the Atlantic and when the cliffs of Fhada were to port, altered course again, dropping towards the sea, making his approach at no more than a hundred feet.The great black cliffs, streaked with guano, reared above them and, below, Chavasse saw a shining expanse of wet sand a quarter of a mile wide.Von Bayern took the Beaver in on a dummy run, feeling for the wind and a cross current from the island caught them so that they rocked violently. He swung the wheel full circle, taking the Beaver out to sea again, banked, and came in low over the waves, throttling back and dropping his flaps.The w...heels seemed to touch the surface of the water and then they were down, biting into the hard wet sand and the jagged rocks at the base of the cliffs rushed towards them.MoreLess
Midnight Never Comes - Pc 04 (V5)
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