Michael’s Wife

Cover Michael’s Wife
Genres: Fiction
They seemed like a family for the first time, sitting in church with Jimmy between them, other families around them. And Laurel waited for something familiar to happen, to stir an old memory. But everything seemed wrong. The service was in English, the rest of the congregation stumbling as much as she through their responses, having to read out of little books provided in each pew.
The congregational singing was off-key, a robed choir leader trying to lead them through it. She seemed only a lit
...tle more lost than everyone else.
No memories came back to her that morning, but she knew a certain happiness as unfamiliar as the church service. She was a part of something—a group, a family. This happiness lasted until dinner. For Janet had yet another bomb in her arsenal.
Sunday dinner, with the red and gold brocaded tablecloth that looked like a drapery, the brass candlesticks, and everyone present, even Jimmy propped on his books beside Laurel. It was the first they’d seen of either Janet or Paul since the previous morning.

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