Merry Christmas (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Cover Merry Christmas (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)
He didn’t believe in all that New Age stuff about having known each other in previous lives. He had no answer for what he was feeling and it was bugging the hell out of him. Even the touch of her made him jangle with the tension of hormones running riot, body chemistry leaping out of control.
He watched her eat the toasted sandwiches he’d made, brooding over why this woman—this stranger—should affect him so strongly. On the surface she was no more attractive than Rachel. In strictly physical te
...rms, she was slimmer, not as curvy, not as pretty. Yet more striking, more...electric somehow.
He was finding this encounter so damned disturbing he wished it was at an end. In fact, there was no reason to prolong it since there seemed to be no serious impediment to the meeting with Kimberly.
Only God knew where that would end. It was impossible for him to judge.
All he knew was Kimberly was not about to let it rest until it happened and he didn’t feel right about keeping them apart. Let the pieces fall however they would, he thought, glumly acknowledging that the outcome would most probably be out of his control, as well.

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