Mcallister (2013)

Cover Mcallister
Genres: Fiction
The scout knew the name of the leader of these raiders and when Gato heard the name, he smiled. It amused him too to think that gold, which had never meant much to the Apache, but which would now buy guns, was there for the taking. He gave his guttural orders and rolled himself in his blanket to sleep with a peaceful mind. Never had a tomorrow promised so much. With the dawn, he and his people were moving out of their camping place, heading for the high ground, travelling immediately below the skyline so that they would not be observed by the people below. His first objective was the Clover gang. They would be moving faster than the wagon-train and they had the gold. So first Clover and then the slow-moving wagons. Gold, mules and horses—the next two days would be profitable.
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User Reviews:

Edgar G. a year ago

It would be awesome if the book actually appeared. There is something wrong with the site computer the book is not appearing just a blank page.

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