Matt Archer: Monster Hunter (Matt Archer #1)

Cover Matt Archer: Monster Hunter (Matt Archer #1)
Genres: Fiction
The ‘Gator—’” Colonel Black nodded to me, “that’s the code name—was intelligent enough to pull away the wood and grab the victim from her bed.” The colonel paused to flip a slide on his laptop, projecting the image of a small wooden house with a gap in the back wall. “They’re efficient hunters. In every attack we’ve seen, they surveyed an area, then stalked their victims. We still haven’t found any dens, either. They hide themselves well. All we really know is that they’re smart enough to be ex...tremely dangerous.”
I threw my hand up, forgetting this wasn’t school. A few of the men chuckled. “Sir, what exactly are these things? The monster we killed…well, it looked like a bear, but it didn’t, if you get what I mean. It had a bear’s fur and the same kind of big paws like a grizzly. But the face was all wrong; it was squashed and it had a bigger snout, with these tusk things, like a boar would have. Its legs and arms were longer too, built kinda like Chewbacca, except not as nice.”

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