Marja Mcgraw - Bogey Man 02 - Bogey's Ace in the Hole

Cover Marja Mcgraw - Bogey Man 02 - Bogey's Ace in the Hole
Genres: Fiction
I said.
    After some lengthy discussions, we finally talked the ladies into staying in the car while we walked to the office to ask about Victor.
    The office was empty, but there was a bell on the desk.  Chris rang it, but no one appeared from the back room.  He rang it again.  Nothing.  He rang it twice in rapid succession .
    “Hold your horses,” yelled a gruff and gravelly female voice from the other room.  “I’ll be there in a second.”
    We waited patiently and finally a scrawny woman of indeterminate age poked her head around the door frame.  Her greasy blonde hair had turned to yellow, and she was as thin as a rail.
    “We ain’t got any rooms right now,” she said, turning to go back to whatever she’d been doing.
    “We’re not looking for a room,” Chris said.  “We’re looking for a person.”
    She popped her head around the door frame again, got a better look at Chris, and ambled over to the counter.  “Well, look what the cat dragged in.  Ain’t you the one?  Anybody ever
... tell you that you look like – ”MoreLess
Marja Mcgraw - Bogey Man 02 - Bogey's Ace in the Hole
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