Magical Thinking

Cover Magical Thinking
Genres: Fiction
His chest is muscular and tight with coarse hairs, which he clips short. His chest is like a bed in the military: you could bounce a quarter off it. When I first saw him without his shirt, as he reclined against the pillows, he laughed hard at something I said, and I happened to look at his stomach. There, I saw an extra bone. It ran horizontally just below his rib cage. At first this disturbed me. It was like seeing an extra toe. Could I love him despite this mutation? Then when he laughed har...der, another bone appeared. And I realized they were not bones; they were abs.
I looked down at my own stomach which is not fat, which is sort of flat, but does not have defined abs.
I asked him, “What’s the biggest disability you could overlook in a guy in order to date him?”
The Schnauzer turned to me, and his blue eyes sparkled. “What do you mean?”
I nestled up against him and placed my head on his chest. “You know, like a missing leg, no arms?”
“Oh,” he said.
I sat up to watch him think.

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