Maggie Mackeever

Cover Maggie Mackeever
Genres: Fiction
decreed Delphine, taking advantage of the captive audience fettered within the confines of Lady Tess’s elegant traveling coach, “is never allowed to be alone with a man, even for a half-hour in the drawing-room. No young girl goes anywhere unattended. At balls, she sits beside her chaperone until asked to dance; after each dance she is returned to her chaperone’s care. To dance more than three times with one man is considered forward.” She paused to regard Clio, who was looking sulky as a bear.... “Attend me, poupée! Innocence is highly valued by the ton. No man wishes to marry a girl with a bold eye. And don’t sit with your ankles crossed!”
Clio pulled a rebellious face, but obeyed. She looked lovely in a carriage dress of white poplin with a deep blond flounce and a blue levantine pelisse edged with floss silk; and that she chafed already at the restrictions that were being placed on her, her sister knew all too well. But if Lady Tess was having second thoughts about this London venture, which promised to be at the least exhausting and at the worst—if Clio took it in her head to fly in the face of convention, which was not at all unlikely—disastrous, she kept those misgivings to herself.

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