Lynna's Rogue

Cover Lynna's Rogue
Genres: Fiction
Suzanne’s ever present slave child fanned unenthusiastically by her side, stopping often to swat at a pesky insect and causing Suzanne to cast an evil eye her way when she did. Daniel’s eyes were lowered, ashamed for having gone along with his sister’s calculating scheme to coerce Joshua into marriage, especially since the ploy had been such a stunning failure. True, Suzanne had finagled a proposal from Joshua, but Lynna was now an ocean away and Daniel accepted the fact he was partially respon...sible for dooming Joshua to a lifetime of misery for naught. He hung his head guiltily.
                  “Have you gotten yourself with child, yet, dear sister? The wedding is tomorrow, you know.”
                  “I know when my own wedding is, Daniel Fletcher! And no, I am not carrying Joshua’s offspring, yet. However,” she added confidently, “after tomorrow I should have no difficulty resolving that minor problem.”

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