Love Finds You in Lonesome Prairie, Montana

Cover Love Finds You in Lonesome Prairie, Montana
Genres: Fiction
Miriam hauled back on the reins, bringing the wagon to a stop inside the Pioneer Livery Stable in Big Sandy, and Julia gripped the buckboard to steady herself. “You’ve been staring off into the wild blue ever since we left home. Now, you can’t be leavin’ a pregnant lady waitin’ so long. You know the smallest thing’ll send me cryin’ and carryin’ on.” Miriam cupped her hands around the ever-enlarging orb that occupied her middle and then perked her chin up. “A foot!” She tugged Julia’s hand to th...e spot on her belly.
A bulge of what had to be baby shifted under Julia’s hand then rolled away. “That’s incredible.” Julia moved her palm, seeking another touch. “To have a little life inside you, it must feel…I don’t know. How does it feel?”
Miriam looked up. “Well, having a baby in there means your back aches, you’re always hungry but never have what you want, you can’t sleep but you’re always tired, you never feel comfortable, and you want to cry all the time—or snap at the people you love most.”

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