Loud Awake And Lost (2013)

Cover Loud Awake And Lost
Genres: Fiction
So he had mine, and I had his. But I figured he’d be the one to call me. Not the next day or even the next. But he’d be in touch. No doubt he would. So when I hadn’t heard from him by the middle of the following week, I started to check my messages compulsively—a few times even phoning my cell phone from the landline. Just to make sure the ringer was on and working.
Full-on doubts began to replace my anticipation. I’d just assumed we’d made a connection. Had my battered brain missed some basic
...social cue? Maybe Kai hadn’t felt the same entrancement, the same intrigue to know more about me.
He sure hadn’t felt the same urgency.
Or, or—maybe he’d been playing me. Maybe I’d been the victim of one of those cruel best-friend bets. Maybe there’d been some second guy in the shadows across the street, egging him on: “Kai, twenty bucks says you can walk over and hook up with that lonely girl hanging out on the fire escape.”
And then Kai took the dare and strolled across the street and stepped into the building while his pal—maybe that guy Hatch, his T-shirt business friend—stood smirking from across the street.

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