Lily Harper 04.5 - the Bladesmith

Cover Lily Harper 04.5 - the Bladesmith
Genres: Fiction
Then she inhaled deeply and her expression softened as she exhaled.“I am certain you are well aware that in order for me to reach your back, I would need to loosen your chains,” she announced. She stood up and stared down at me in an obvious ill humor, which I attributed to that same fact.“Aye, Ah am aware,” I answered. I eyed the pulley system in the corner of my cell which dictated whether I should be chained closer or farther from the wall, depending upon my captor’s desire.“There is a reaso...n you are lashed against the wall,” she began to explain. “The less you are allowed to move about, the easier it is to control you.”“Ye dinnae need tae explain the nature o’ mah incarceration tae meh. Ah am quite familiar with the system,” I started. The pain of the two wounds she had inflicted on my chest continued to erode me from the inside out, even though my blood now ran red. That truth brought little relief though. The essence of Donnchadh’s poison still contaminated me.“My point is that if I loosen the pulley to give you more freedom, what assurance have I that you would not attempt to attack me and free yourself?”I shook my head.MoreLess

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