Lettera Al Sig. Alberico Cibo, Principe Di Massa, Sopra Il Giuoco Fatto Dal Gran Dvca Intitolato Gverra D'amore Il Di 12. Di Febraio 1615 in Firenze

Cover Lettera Al Sig. Alberico Cibo, Principe Di Massa, Sopra Il Giuoco Fatto Dal Gran Dvca Intitolato Gverra D'amore Il Di 12. Di Febraio 1615 in Firenze
Genres: Nonfiction

The tournament and horse ballet Guerra d'amore took place in the Piazza Santa Croce during carnival on Feb. 11 or 12, 1616 (1615 by Lady Day reckoning). Cosimo II took the role of Indamoro, King of Narsinga. For a full description see Nagler Another work on the festival, published in the same year by Zanobi Pignoni at Florence, was Andrea Salvadori's Guerra d'amore. Two of its four full-sheet etchings by Jacques Callot were re-used in the present ed. One of these depicts four floats, two horseme


n and six actors on foot, and the other consists of 16 diagrams of participants' positions at various stages of the spectacle. In the present ed. these were intended to be cut apart and mounted at blank places reserved for them in the text Engraving on t.p. with Medici arms, not by Callot; see Lieure. Headpieces, one ornamented woodcut initial Lieure, J. Jacques Callot Nagler, A.M. Theatre festivals of the Medici In Getty copy the two plates with performers and position diagrams have been cut apart and mounted in the appropriate places, except for one of the six performers on foot. It has no caption and Lieure gives no position in the text for it, so perhaps it was not intended to be mounted. The position diagrams are pasted in upside down. In addition the Getty copy includes an additional uncut copy of the plate depicting performers, tipped at the centerfold onto a stub after B2 The Getty copy also includes impressions of the two other plates from Salvadori's work. They are bird's-eye views of the Piazza with the spectacle in progress. The first, tipped at its left margin onto a stub following A2, has the legend "Mostra della gverra d'amore, festa del ser.mo grand dvca di Toscana fatta l'anno 1615." The second is tipped at its left margin onto a stub following E2 and has the legend "Vno de gl' abbattimenti della gverra d amore, festa del serenissimo gran dvca di Toscana." Binding: thick gray paper, backed in vellum. Now in a modern chemise (tan paper backed in red goatskin), within a slipcase of decorated paper backed in red goatskin, with gilt title and imprint on spine Centered on front pastedown is the armorial bookplate, printed in green, of Alberti (Florence-Sienna, ca. 1790; see Gelli, n. 11). The 3 extra plates are stamped at the lower right-hand corner with the collector's mark of Friedrich August II, King of Saxony, 1797-1854 (Lugt 972)


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