Let Me Alone

Cover Let Me Alone
Genres: Fiction
The sports and team-games, all that elaborate system of struggling and competing and pseudo-manly activity that the other girls found so important, rather disgusted her. It really was rather horrible, all this ridiculous aping of masculinity. Useless and absurd and unpleasant. Why should girls wear themselves out in this feverish, unnatural struggle to imitate the physical pastimes of men! To Anna it simply wasn’t worth a single effort. Let the men go on playing their silly, brutal games, if th...at was what they wanted. But leave them alone in their stupidities, for heaven’s sake.
She would not take part in the degrading, pointless struggle. She would not compete with men on their ridiculous sports ground. And Rachel, with her profound womanliness, and her dignity, and her deep, intuitive understanding, she really agreed with Anna and was of the same opinion. But she would not openly oppose the system. She knew better than to expose herself uselessly to the brainless malevolence of a mad, man-aping world.

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