Includes bibliographical references I. War, A.W. Some aims and aspirations of European politics in the nineteenth century.--II. Westlake, J. Introduction to the international history of Europe in the nineteenth century.--III. Rose, J.H. England's commercial struggle with Napoleon.--IV. Laughton, J.K. Britain's naval policy.--V. Marcks, E. The transformation of Germany by Prussia.--VI. Marcks, E. Bismarck.--VII. Reich, E. Austria and Hungary in the nineteenth century.--VIII. Mantoux, P. France as
...the land of revolution.--IX. Mantoux, P. Two statemen of the third republic.--X. King, B. The struggle for Italian unity.--XI. King, B. Mazzini.--XIII. Vinogradoff, P. The meaning of present Russian development.--XIV. Gooch, G.P. The problem of the Near East.--XV. Browne, E.G. Pan-Islamism.--XVI. Lawrence, T.J. England and the United States.--XVII. Hannah, I.C. The problem of the Far East
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