Lectures On the Diseases of Women

Cover Lectures On the Diseases of Women
Genres: Nonfiction

Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: LECTURE IV. MENSTRUATION AND ITS DISORDERS. Amenorhhcea, continued?Suppression of the Menses?Their premature cessation ?Irregularities before final extinction of function?Various causes suspending the menses?Treatment. Menorrhaoia?Its two principal causes?1st, constitutional; 2d local?illustrations of each. Treatment of both classes of cases?general precautions?cases requiring antiphlogistic measures?cases requiring tonics and astringents?local remedies- conditions calling for the plug, and for intra-uterine injections. We were engaged during the last Lecture with the study of those cases in which the menstmal discharge has never made its appearance. Another, and equally important class, still remains for consideration, in which menstruation is either interrupted or suppressed. It is of course out of the q


uestion to attempt an examination of all the various circumstances that may give rise to suppression of the menses, or that may lead to their permanent cessation; for a very large number both of constitutional disorders as well as of local diseases tend directly to produce this result. Reference has already been made to the remarkable influence of phthisis in its more advanced stages in leading to suppression of the menses, and many other cachectic diseases exert a similar influence on the menstrual function; while severe uterine or ovarian inflammation, various forms of ovarian degeneration or of uterine tumour, often suspend menstruation for months together, sometimes put a final stop to its occurrence, many years before, in the natural course of events, the sexual powers would lose their vigour. But besides those cases in which a definite reason can be assigned for the arrest or cessation of the menstrual discharge, there are others occasionally met with, ... --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Lectures On the Diseases of Women
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