Leaving Independence

Cover Leaving Independence
Genres: Fiction
My plants were badly beaten. Some of our livestock bolted in the night and we spent half a day getting them back. Our mules were shaken and were as unruly as they have ever been while getting harnessed. The softness of the ground made the wheels sink and it was rough, slow going.
  Michael Chessor had been on scout. He came riding past the Baldwyn wagon looking for Colonel Dotson.
Abigail was sitting on the wagon seat darning socks next to Jacob when she heard Chessor tell Dotson, “Creek’s pret
...ty swollen up ahead.”
Colonel Dotson, the company leaders, and several other men rode out to see. Abigail watched them go with a twisted brow and laid her sewing aside.
Sure enough, the creek had reached the top of its bank. Hoke didn’t like the look of it.
“That was a shallow stream when I rode scout yesterday,” said Gerald Jenkins. “We might ought to lay by for a day.”
“Lay by?” Rudy Schroeder spat. “That’s not too deep to cross. I say we go on. We already lay by every Sunday.

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