
Cover Lawless
Genres: Fiction
The small-town deputy certainly was not what she'd expected.  She'd pictured him older, maybe overweight, with definitely a lazy expression on his face, not this blond Viking god with eyes the color of the Mediterranean Sea.  If he wasn't wearing cowboy boots, she'd wonder if he was a mirage she'd conjured from spending too much time in the heat.
Ariana stood, tilting her head upward to meet his gaze as she extended her hand.  "Deputy Sykes." He smiled and grasped her hand, his eyes twinkling.  Confidence radiated from his self-assured stance, and he didn't seem insulted at all by her unflattering remark.  In fact, he seemed somewhat entertained by it.
"Miss Trasatti."  The firmness of his grip along with the intelligence in his startlingly blue eyes set her on edge.
Quinn stood and shook Milo's hand as well.  "Good to see you, buddy.  You're looking fit.  Except that little band-aid on your arm." Indeed, he was.  Ariana took advantage of their focus on each other to give the deputy a
... closer inspection.  She wondered about the white bandage circling his arm, but said nothing.MoreLess
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