Ladd Haven

Cover Ladd Haven
Genres: Fiction
The dinner hour was upon them, the air saturated with the rich scent of fried chicken and steak coupled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked biscuits. Most tables were occupied, the senior crowd reliable as clockwork.
‘Course, when Fran offered half-priced meals from four to six, who wouldn’t take the deal? She sighed. Those who had a job. Searching for sight of Fran, Delaney wondered what she wanted. She’d called an hour ago and said to come quick. She had stables to run and dropping everythi to come see Fran took some doing. Extending her search to the kitchen, Delaney was surprised to see Fran hustling out so fast she nearly knocked over a waitress in her haste. What could possibly be so interesting that warranted such a hurry?
Fran grasped her arm and corralled her to an empty space near the pie case. Decked out in her customary starched white uniform, red apron tied at her waist, Fran checked for the nearest set of ears, then ducked her head close and whispered, “Sugar, we need to talk.”

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