Kitten Kaboodle

Cover Kitten Kaboodle
Kitten Kaboodle
Anna Wilson
Genres: Fiction
It was in the most beautiful handwriting; the letters were perfectly even with not a crossing-out in sight. They were also written in smart black fountain-pen ink, not scrabbly pencil or biro, which is what I would have used. Dad is always going on about how messy my writing is. ‘Messy writing shows a messy mind, he says. He also says that I need to ‘Pay more Attention to Detail’. In fact, that’s one of his favourite sayings. That and: ‘Tone of Voice!’ Funnily enough, the way I tend to respond being told to ‘Pay Attention to Detail’ often invites the comment ‘Tone of Voice!’ straightaway afterwards.
    Anyway, Pinkella would win the Attention to Detail Award no problem, and not simply because of her handwriting. This was what she had written: Jazz whistled long and low after reading the note through and shook her head. ‘That cat doesn’t know he’s born!’ she said. ‘I wish Mum treated me that well.’ ‘What – fancy the odd sachet of Feline Good, do you?’ I teased.

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