Killing the Dead (Season 2 | book 2): Dark And Deadly Land

Cover Killing the Dead (Season 2 | book 2): Dark And Deadly Land
Genres: Fiction
It was… irritating, Understandable perhaps, but irritating none the less.
    We’d been provided with a section of one of the warehouses to sleep in since the planning had taken most of the afternoon. I can’t recall much of what had been said since the adrenaline high from the kill had kept me distracted as I replayed the look on his face over and over again.
    As much as I’d enjoyed killing him just for the pleasure that killing afforded me, it was also somewhat justified after hearing what
...he had done. I cared for few people in this world but I did have a soft spot for children With the life I’d had, their carefree joy and innocence is something I could barely grasp, let alone experience and that made it all the more valuable. That innocence needed to be protected and not tarnished by the actions of others. No, Aiden’s death was entirely deserving though I did wonder what effect it would have on Lily.
    “You awake?”

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