Killer Crab Cakes

Cover Killer Crab Cakes
Killer Crab Cakes
Livia J. Washburn
Genres: Fiction
Stuffed with cheese, shrimp, crabmeat, and other things that Phyllis couldn’t identify, they were delicious, she thought. It was a perfect blend of flavors and it went nicely with the tossed salad and sliced cantaloupe Consuela served.
But even so, she had to admit deep down, doubt nagged at her mind every time she took a bite. Consuela would have to be a lunatic to think that she could poison everyone at the bed-and-breakfast and get away with it, but such things happened sometimes. That was w
...hy the insanity defense existed. Some people just didn’t know they were doing anything wrong, no matter how heinous their crime.
Not Consuela, though, Phyllis told herself. The woman was a hard worker, a loving mother to her daughters, a good wife to her husband. She couldn’t be a killer.
The forced smiles on the faces of the others at the dinner table, as well as the slightly hollow sound of their conversation, told Phyllis that they were all trying to convince themselves of the same thing.

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