Kids is a 4-Letter Word

Cover Kids is a 4-Letter Word
Kids is a 4-Letter Word
Stephanie Bond
Genres: Fiction
No whining, no crying, no tattling, no pushing, no hairpulling, no jumping, no running, no falling.
And no laughing.
Jo frowned and set her new lizard briefcase on the cluttered snack bar, her finely tuned day-care design presentation on a diskette locked safely inside. From another case, she retrieved her laptop computer, then scooted a hardened glob of orange modeling clay out of harm’s way, and created a small work area. While the machine booted up, she looked around the kitchen. One glance the stove revealed that Claire had cooked breakfast again, except this time the secret weapon appeared to be scrambled eggs instead of oatmeal.
She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed, feeling nervous and restless. She hoped a morning of “drawing numbers,” as Hattie often called the tedious preliminary work, would both relax and distract her from the afternoon’s presentation. But on top of worrying about filing for bankruptcy if she didn’t pull off this charade, she now had another tiny problem: she was dangerously close to falling in love with John Sterling.

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