Keys to the Kingdom

Cover Keys to the Kingdom
Genres: Fiction
He cursed himself for having been born a fat man. The temperature in the small alcove that he had created for himself at the top of the hanger was in excess of one hundred and ten degrees. Although his head burned, his eyes never veered from the spot on the tarmac where the three Mercedes 360s sat with their engines running waiting for their passengers. He picked up his binoculars and scanned the sky above their head for the jet that would bring his target to Dhahran. He envied the men sitting the cool interior of the cars. But he did not envy them what was about to befall them. Before darkness fell, they would be made to pay dearly for what was about to happen. Ins’ch Allah, he thought as the sweat continued to pour off him. Beyond the airport, he could see the rows of neat bungalows built to house the American oil workers who had flooded to Saudi Arabia in the nineteen fifties and sixties. And beyond them lay the huge American Army base built to ensure the security of Saudi Arabia and the continued domination of the House of Saud.MoreLess

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