Kendra Kandlestar And the Crack in Kazah

Cover Kendra Kandlestar And the Crack in Kazah
You’ve probably had those types of days, filled with complicated math formulas and scientific equations. Even though you do your best to understand everything, all you end up with is a headache.
“What’s going on, Braids?” Gayla asked, hand on one hip. “You look like you’ve been trampled by a pack of Orrids.”
“This is no time for chitchat,” Captain Ibb stated seriously. “I have been instructed to take you to the depths of the Elder Stone.”
“EEK!” Oki squealed. “To the dungeons?”
“There are no du
...ngeons in the Elder Stone,” the serious ladybug replied. “Not anymore, at least. I have no idea why my mistress wishes you to go there, but those were her instructions and I do not question them.”
With this said, Captain Ibb turned and marched out of the chamber.
Kendra moved to follow, but Gayla grabbed her by the wrist and jerked her back. “Just hold it, Braids,” Gayla said. “I don’t know about Eeks here, but I’m not going anywhere until you tell us what’s going on.”

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