Katie And the Cupcake War

Cover Katie And the Cupcake War
Genres: Fiction
Two days of school, three days of break. Why can’t it be like that year-round?
During lunch I tried not to think about Callie too much, but she and the PGC girls were making this big show of whispering and then looking over at us.
“That is so immature,” Alexis said.
“Totally,” Mia agreed. “It must have really upset them when we beat them last year.”
“We should have another club meeting,” I said. “We need to come up with something really amazing. Tonight we’ll be busy baking for The Special Day.
...” Our friend Mona had a standing order with us, and we baked for her on Fridays.
“How about tomorrow afternoon?” Alexis suggested. “Mia and I have a soccer game in the morning, but we could do something around two.”
“Sounds good,” Emma said. “I have three dogs to walk in the morning, but I’m free in the afternoon.”
“Hey, maybe I’ll come watch your game,” I said to Mia and Alexis. “I’ll get my mom to drop me off.”
“Then it’s set,” Alexis said.

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