Kathy Hogan Trocheck - Truman Kicklighter 01 - Lickety-Split

Cover Kathy Hogan Trocheck - Truman Kicklighter 01 - Lickety-Split
Jackleen bellowed, trying to edge through the crowds. People were standing around, looking up at the closed circuit television monitors. She stopped, looking around helplessly. Truman was directly behind her.
“Working press,” he bellowed. “Out of the way. Coming through.”
The crowd parted, people giving them dirty looks as they went steaming by. But there was no sign of Mel.
“Maybe he wandered outside,” Truman said, gesturing toward an exit sign.
The going was easier here, people moving briskly
... in both directions, probably because there were no television monitors. The hallway came to a T. Truman looked right and left. No sign of Mel. “Let’s try down there,” Truman said, pointing to the left. It was darker here, almost like a tunnel.
Up ahead, Truman saw a doorway, and through the doorway, what looked like the parking lot. He started walking faster and then they both heard it: sirens. Close by. He thought about the last sirens he’d heard this close, when Nellie had her stroke.

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