Jake And the Other Girl: a Tor.Com Original

Cover Jake And the Other Girl: a Tor.Com Original
Grandma, I went to Denver. God save us all.
Doreen, I am sorry—I couldn’t wait no more.
And photographs. Photos of the missing and the found and the dead.
The Lewis Palmer Hospital of Monument, Colorado, was papered in flyers.
He got upset, looking at those walls. Anyone would. It was a small town and there were people he knew up there.
Jake saw a kid from the JV team. His biology teacher in a photo with her small children. That suspiciously cheerful waitress from the Village Inn. There was Dea
...n and Alex’s family: We didn’t die. Stay safe or get to Denver.
And there was Lindsay Morrow.
There she was, in a family snapshot, taken at the beach. A 5 x 7 pulled out of a frame, taped onto a piece of notebook paper. Along the bottom was Lindsay’s handwriting with an arrow pointing to the middle-aged woman in the center of the shot: If you see this woman please call—then her phone number. And: Mommy, come home!
He shouldn’t linger on the photo like this. Alex had strapped a video walkie-talkie to his chest and all the kids were watching his every move and listening to his voice.

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