Island of Shipwrecks

Cover Island of Shipwrecks
Genres: Fiction
Yet he ran as fast as he could to the other side of the island, past bewildered Ito and Sato who were collecting moss during the hour of calm. “Stay back!” he said to them, and ran straight into the water. As soon as he was deep enough, he dove and swam with all his might to the scientists’ ship.
When he reached it, he surfaced and pressed his hand against the part of the stern that stood above the water. He took a moment to catch his breath, staring intently at the shore in the exact spot wher
...e the pirate ship had stood for weeks.
A flash of lightning cracked the sky, startling him, and he knew he had to get back to Sky before the storm grew worse. He forced himself to focus, thinking only of the newly empty stretch of land nearby. Now that the pirate ship was out of the way, he could finally do something for the scientists who had been so hospitable to them all this time.
When Alex had eliminated all other stresses from his mind, he closed his eyes, picturing the cleared section of the island, and whispered, “Transport.”

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Guest 5 months ago

It is actually decently garbage. There are more chapters that are 5 pages than the measly 2-3 pages in the previous books. The plot has embraced its mature storyline; the ideas are original. Now, the biggest problem is the slow pacing. The pacing of the story feels like padding to just lengthen the story. I don't want 3 chapters explaining the same thing. The story focuses on multiple conflicts that feel weird. One conflict is with Aaron, and his conflict isn't explicitly revealed. Is it him against Artime, or him against his own mind, or even him against Gondoleery. The other conflict is Alex and his gang returning home. The conflict between Alex and his gang though is easily resolved. I expected to see more desperation in his gang. Maybe one of them tries to escape, or one goes mad. This would fit with the mature theme of the story, but noo, "they all just feel hopeless". This just doesn't show us the desperation and hopelessness of the crew. Has the author heard of the saying, "Actions speak louder than words." We can't just get the "crew felt helpless" statement. It doesn't portray the emotions of the crew, or even make the hopelessness seem like a problem. In the end, they're just saved by Simber. The old
"Get out of jail" card is used again. The other thing is the pirates kidnapping Aaron, and I know they had mistaken him for Alex, but why do they want Alex. It's not fun to have a cliffhanger that extends multiple chapters. It could've been done at the end of the story where Aaron gets kidnapped in the last chapter. This book is just meh on the lower spectrum. 4/10. I would recommend if you're looking for a book where you can turn your brain off.

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