Island of Fire (The Unwanteds)

Cover Island of Fire (The Unwanteds)
Genres: Fiction
Gunnar Haluki’s limp body spilled out of the corner tube onto the floor. His hands were tied behind his back, and his ankles were tied together too. His eyes were nearly closed, his face thin and drawn, his lips parched, and his gray hair ragged and unkempt. His clothes were ripped and ruined, and they hung loosely on him. It wasn’t clear how long he’d been lying there or where he’d come from.
The boys kneeled down beside the former high priest. “Simber, we need healers!” Alex called out. Simbe
...r loped down the center of the hall and, to the Unwanteds, seemed to disappear through the solid wall at the end.
“Dad?” Henry said again, pulling his father’s sleeve. “Dad. Can you hear me?” Like a natural, Henry checked his father’s vitals while Alex untied the man and rolled him onto his back. Murmurs wafted through the group of Unwanteds as people expressed cautious joy that the good man was alive and here with them. Henry glanced at them when he heard the kind words, and he smiled gratefully as he worked.

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Guest 5 months ago

I didn't write a review for the last book due to how baffled I was. The fact they didn't hold back on the cult island stuff is insane, but I applaud them for it. It's better that they actually are being more mature and more original with their ideas, (My thoughts are that they made up this concept, but it could've be copied). Now, let's stop the compliments and now talk about the book. It's horrible. They still haven't fixed the short chapters and somehow made this 70 pages bigger than the first book. At times, the story feels nonsensical such as how a kid's book reads. The conflict of their trapped friends and the neck thorns is easily solved which radiates a fake vibe as if everything could be reverted with a snap of a finger or the whisper of a word. To be more mature or show that this isn't just a easy "Get out of jail" card for a problem in the story, one of the times where they remove the neck thorns, something goes wrong and they lose their voice. Also, it doesn't decide to go into more detail about the island. It would be more interesting to explore a lot of the island and see the characters' development in that environment, but they just have the same personality throughout the entire time. They don't become more obedient or traumatised. Though, the worst aspect is the romance. It's absolute garbage. The addition of a new love interest is fine, but it's obvious that Alex has feelings for Sky, and then he'll talk about it with Lani. She'll be sad then she'll shift to Sam. I know this will occur because A. Have a brain, and B. we see Alex's relationship with Sky develop faster while Sam's and Lani's is slower. This shift isn't fun to read or even decently made. The leading cause for this there isn't any drama or conflict, and this just makes it bland and transparent. Another problem is the fact that it doesn't last for a couple of chapters, and if you don't understand why this is a problem then I'll give an example. Ex: Alex goes to masquerade party, but he needs a partner, so he chooses Sky. Lani is sad at this decision, but she goes with Sam. Then Lani and Alex sort of argue after. That is way better than Alex going to the party and nothing happens. WHERE IS THE DRAMA? If we added the partner twist then it would make the romance part of the story so much better. Nooo, we have to set up Aaron coming to the party, even though it could be put together with my idea. Ex: The start is the same, but in the middle of the party. They argue, and then Aaron is introduced through a distraction or Lani and Alex storming off. The story also has horrible pacing. Why does the entire story take up like a month or a week. Then some that time or more passes before the end. Like, huh? You could've made the chapters longer by including the first conflict in the first half , and putting the romance conflict in the second half. Two decent conflicts and decent pacing, and long chapters. That's unheard of in these flippin' books. In conclusion, this book is bad. Don't recommend.

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