
Cover Insurgent
Series: Divergent (#2)
Genres: Fiction » Love & Romance

Taking after on from Veronica Roth's hazardous novel Divergent, Insurgent takes after Tris, her sibling Caleb and Four as they relinquish their groups to attempt and sort out what happened after the Abnegation group was assaulted. From the factionless region to Candor and Erudite home office, every one of the three young people make their own penances trying to uncover their general public's greatest mystery.
The book Insurgent proceeded from Divergent in a manner that felt consistent. There was no burdensome recap of what had happened in Divergent and rather the significant occasions towards the first's end portion were woven into the considerations of Tris and into diverse discussions.
The character of Tris is investigated profoundly in Insurgent. What I believed was splendid about the investigation and the improvement of her character, was the reasonable way she manages all that happened in Divergent and the proceeding with occasions of Insurgent. Her activities reflect those of s


omebody experiencing post-traumatic anxiety issue and this made the plotline feel all the more genuine as it would bode well for Tris to be experiencing PTSD subsequent to all that she endured in such a little space of time toward the end of Divergent.
In Insurgent we find more about what it intends to be Divergent and figure out that more of the characters tried Divergent and figured out how to conceal it.
Much like Divergent, the book's finale was awe-inspiring and leaves a noteworthy cliffhanger for the begin of Allegiant, the last book in the series.

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User Reviews:

MayceeG 3 years ago

Omg! I am surprised by the ending! I can't wait to read the third book! I have only seen the first movie, not the second or the third, and they are recording Saturday!

Guest 4 years ago

Before reading this book, I had very high expectations for what was to come. When reading the first book of the series, Divergent, I was never able to put the book down, dying to figure out what was on the next page. But while reading Insurgent, the only thoughts that crossed my mind were ones of confusion. I would have to re-read pages constantly trying to determine whether the words were narration or thoughts of Tris. The plot was changing as well at a rapid rate which was hard to follow and the end left me in an utter state of confusion. Everything happened so quickly with such little explanation. Hopefully, this is the one awkward book that is always found in a series. Although I was a bit disappointed with the second book, I still am looking forward to reading Allegiant, the last book of the series.

Guest 4 years ago

This trilogy is the best! Honestly the best series I have ever read. I couldn't put the books down. I think everyone should read them.

Guest 5 years ago

This trilogy is the best! Honestly the best series I have ever read. I couldn't put the books down. I think everyone should read them.

Guest 5 years ago

Tris and Four should get married the should ........................................................................................................................................

Guest 6 years ago

This book is so good! It has far more moments with Tris n Four. I think the book is way better than the movie.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Though I like the movie so much that I decided on reading the original book.
However, it seems that the book is far more deep and leaves the correct messages which the movie misses some. Tobias has a great role which was not shown in the movie. Tris seems to be more real here than the movie, maybe because here i can read what she is thinking, feeling, and reading in her surroundings.
On the other hand, i like some of the changes that was made in the movie, like the idea of the box that is hiding the truth and jeannine trying to solve the box by the power that only a divergent has, the simulation training in the movie are splendid. There are diffrence with the idea of the book but still good.

Guest 6 years ago

Is this the full book?

Guest 6 years ago

Is there any site that provides an offline version of it? or any download site? Thanks.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

it great
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