Inside the Gender Jihad: Women's Reform in Islam

Cover Inside the Gender Jihad: Women's Reform in Islam
Muslims have been struggling through an identity crisis not only as a consequence of colonialism’s infiltration and corruption of Muslim complacency, but also in response to the global- ization of ideas like pluralism, Western secular human rights universals, and their sheer backwardness – as recently reported through an internal study of the state of the Arab world/Middle East (read: Muslims, despite actual demographics). I entered this struggle with my own peculiar identity con- cerns as well..., as a woman.I concluded early in my research that one way to resolve my questions about gender was to direct myself to Islamic theology rather than Muslim social contexts or commentary, present or historical. Using the Qur’an, I proposed ideas about the Muslim woman’s full human agency and dignity despite Qur’anic interpretations, juridical codes, and practices to the contrary. The irony of this ivory tower approach, however, is that it led me directly into social praxis and issues of social justice and reform in Muslim cultural contexts.MoreLess

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