Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance

Cover Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
Lots of it, loud, oppressive and threatening. My first instinct is to protect Candy who's still curled up in my arms, just waking up slowly. I wrap her in a blanket, covering us both up and look at the person who rudely intruded on our little fantasy.
    Well, holy fuck.
    It's Candy's Dad, and my mother. They're standing three steps away and I am currently holding the man's naked daughter in my arms, both of us barely covered by a blanket.
    I just stare at them as Candy stirs in my arms,
... waking up slowly. "What's going on?" she asks softly, nuzzling my neck.
    "You fuck," her father whispers. "You sick fuck." He walks over to me and takes Candy out of my arms gently, but his muscles are tight and ready to fight me. She's waking up properly and looks up to her Daddy with shock and surprise, struggling to her feet and wrapping the blanket around her. I quickly grab another one and cover myself up. I'm feeling frozen, numb and I know there's no fight left in me.

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