Infinity Blade: Redemption

Cover Infinity Blade: Redemption
That same castle complex. The Soulless was here, of all places. Empty bridges spanning chasms, beautiful arches in the sunlight. The twisting tree out front, dry, as if dead for an eternity. Siris could smell the dungeons, hear chains rattle on the lift, feel the ground tremble from the felled daerils.
    Was it a message? This place, so familiar. Here, he had killed the God King for the first time.
    I died here too, he thought, fitting on his helm. Dozens of times, perhaps hundreds. He did
...n’t remember those deaths, each the end of a life lived as the Sacrifice—a boy raised to be sent to this palace to fight the God King.
    The ruined wall, where enormous golems had attacked the throne room, still lay broken. In fact, the entire palace was as he remembered it from years ago. It almost seemed . . . homey, if a deathtrap designed to kill him could be called such.
    Behind him, Terr helped TEL break down the camp.

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