Incredible Shrinking Kid!

Cover Incredible Shrinking Kid!
Genres: Fiction
11 Attack of the Moto-Men! Vrrrrr-CHUNG! KA-CHUNG! Two smoking rocket bombs spiraled down from the end of mini Main Street and—BLAM! BLAM!—burst at the boys’ heels! “Whoa! Toys with an attitude!” shouted Mike, diving behind Sean’s sneakers. “I’d hate to see them in a bad mood!” cried Sean. The radio-controlled army of metallic Moto-Men lurched forward. Sean snatched Mike up off the ground and slipped him in his pants pocket. “Mike, we’ve got to give this the old Camp Smiley try!” Mike nodded and began to hum the camp song. But there was another song, more horrible, more menacing than Sean had ever heard before. It screeched and buzzed and whined from the tiny speakers of the advancing army! It went— Singing Moto-Men! Inches tall, we’re ten! We have rocket arms And five unique alarms! Zzz! Vrrr! Eeee! Klang! Wooo! Dr. Gruker stood back and scanned the scene below. “Ha-ha! I vill conquer zee vorld! Starting here in Grover’s Mill! Starting viss you boys!”
Incredible Shrinking Kid!
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