
Cover Incarnatio
Genres: Fiction
Copyright 2008 by Lynn Viehl All Rights Reserved.
    Author’s note: this e-book is not intended for sale, and is not to be used in any form to generate profit. Readers do have the author’s permission to copy and distribute it freely, or use the contents for non-profit educational purposes.
    First Electronic Printing December 2008 Haec enim, quasi ad colloquirum cum Deo admissa, pro actuosa peculiaris officii sui conscientia, non de re quadam adventitia, sed de saeculorum negotio, ut praecla est Verbi incarnatio definita, actuose ac libere consentit.
    —Pope Paul VI, Marialis Cultus, 37 1 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (1 Tim 3:16 KJV) Omnia vincit amor: nos et cedamus amori.
    —Virgil 1 Paul Haffner, The Mystery of Mary, 105) Chapter One Luce wanted to live up to her name tonight.

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