If I Stay

Cover If I Stay
Series: If I Stay (#1)
Genres: Fiction » Love & Romance

H MY GOD. So good. I loved it, I honestly loved it so much.\nLet\'s review this book.\nThis paragraph is not spoilery, so you can read it, I\'ll say when I begin with spoilers. \nAs for the most of my books, I wasn\'t sure I would like this book, so I bought the paperback instead of the hardback. I, being a italian reading in english and trying to understand the language, had watched the trailer and TOTALLY misunderstood it. (I was expecting he would betray her while she was in a coma, so you can get my hesitation) But the book was, of course, something really different than that, in the best way possible. I thought it was extraordinary the way it made you see the reactions after such tragic incidents, the way people are affected by it somehow and even though I could not really relate to it, I felt and cared so much while reading it. So yeah, 5/5 stars.\n\nSPOILER ALERT\nIf you have read the book you will probably remember the scene where the nurse says something to Mia\'s grandparents


about the choice, and when her Granpa goes to her bed and says that he would understand her choice. Also, when Kim says that we would understand if she wanted to die but she pleads her not to. Well, those had my crying a lot. But I must admit I was really unsure of why Mia would want to die, and I must say that at the end of the book I did get it. She has to make the most important choice of all, with whatever it will bring. And Adam. ADAM. Can we please talk about him? About how adorable and sweet and loving and caring he was?\nSoooo I love this book, as you might have guessed. I thought the writing was simply AMAAAAZING and this definetly is not the only book I\'m going to read from Gayle Forman, beside the fact that I am DYING to get Where She Went, the sequel. Though I am sad she chose to stay away from Adam.

If I Stay
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Guest 6 years ago

Lol emo-core

Guest 6 years ago

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!someone comment something

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

I can relate to this book and honestly LOVE this book and also very heart touching

Guest 6 years ago

the book is what I call amazing from Russia

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Luv it

Guest 6 years ago

do you like the plot of the book? Can you recommend something to similar books?

Guest 6 years ago

Do you like the plot of the book? Can you recommend something similar?

Guest 6 years ago

I love it

Guest 6 years ago

It's disgusting.. i highly recommend!
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Guest 6 years ago

yes i love this book its a sacrifice..
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