Icebound Land

Cover Icebound Land
Genres: Fiction
The crowded living conditions were now worse than ever, with two crews crammed into the space designed for one. And with the crowding came fighting. Skandians weren’t used to long hours of inactivity, so they filled their time with drinking and gambling—an almost certain recipe for trouble. When the members of one crew were involved, the disagreements that arose were usually settled quickly and forgotten. But the separate loyalties of the two crews inflamed the situation so that arguments flare...d, tempers were lost and, at times, weapons were drawn before Erak could intervene.
    It was noticeable, Will thought, that Slagor never raised his voice to quell the fights. The more he saw of Wolf Fang’s captain, the more he realized that the man had little real authority and commanded minimal respect from the other Skandians. Even his own crew worked for pay, not out of any sense of loyalty.
    The work for Will and Evanlyn had doubled, of course.

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Guest 5 years ago

This is an amazing book and I encourage others to read it!

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