Hush Little Baby

Cover Hush Little Baby
Genres: Fiction
It was a good thing Kit had plenty of gas. Cinda had given her the exit number, but she hadn’t said it was fifteen miles! Oh, well. At seventy miles an hour, which was the scary rate traffic was moving, it didn’t take long. Kit, who was new to driving, preferred speeds like thirty miles an hour.
It was a relief to get off the highway.
North on Dexter Mill Road. They were practically in Pennsylvania.
It was beautiful, hilly country. The leaves had just begun turning. Splashes and trills of scarl and orange leaves flared in the sunset and then vanished. The sky deepened quickly from blue to slate.
In the backseat, Muffin sang songs she remembered from her own babyhood, not so long ago. “Ride a pretty little horsey,” she sang to Sam.
At a twenty-four-hour convenience store (convenient to whom? There were no houses!) Kit turned left on Hennicot Road. Hennicot Road was just there; it seemed to serve no houses, no schools, no stores, no population whatsoever. It seemed not to go anywhere except farther and farther away.

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