Hunger (The Hunger Series book 1)

Cover Hunger (The Hunger Series book 1)
Genres: Fiction
He sat alone in the Sunday School room overlooking what should have been a parking lot, but was just an endless field of moonlit cabbage. The plants took on a dark blue hue at night, visible, but distorted by shadow, like ocean waves frozen in place. He could see the truck beyond, parked in the middle of the road, light from the half moon glinting off the side mirror. The dead Echo was a dark silhouette, blotting out a part of the field, the details of its demise concealed by the darkness.
...did it come to this? he wondered.
He knew the answer. Understood the science and the sequence of events that had led to disaster. The reality that was the world was old news. What he couldn’t fathom was how the people in charge, at ExoGen and in the Government, had missed the gene-altering capabilities of RC-714. Even more, he didn’t understand how Ella had missed it.
Never had.
She was smarter than that. But she was also ambitious. But not selfishly so. As long as he’d known her, she’d been concerned about starving people.

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