How I Saved My Father's Life (And Ruined Everything Else)

Cover How I Saved My Father's Life (And Ruined Everything Else)
How I Saved My Father's Life (And Ruined Everything Else)
Ann Hood
Genres: Fiction
If I got picked, I would take the bus into Boston twice a week for class, starting in September. My feet hurt from my toe shoes and my neck hurt from stretching so much. In other words, I felt great. Each of us waited in a big room, and they called our names one by one. When it was my turn, I stood all alone up on the stage and official people with notepads out in the audience asked me to do this or that. Jeté! Arabesque! Jumps in first position! In fifth! Switch! Switch! I had a good audition. I knew it. When I walked off the stage, one of the women shouted, “Thanks, Madeline! You’ll be hearing from us!” in a way that made me think: I got it!
But when I went out to the waiting room where all the mothers were sitting, I acted very cool. I saw them trying to read my face, but I wanted to seem mysterious. I mean, would Marie Taglioni rush out after an audition and start bragging and gushing? No. She would have good posture. She would nod. She would leave.
“Well?” my mother whispered as
...I gathered up my things.MoreLess
How I Saved My Father's Life (And Ruined Everything Else)
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