
Cover Honeymoon
Genres: Fiction
You could come to my office?"  "No, that's okay. Please, come inside."  Nora started toward the house. I followed. So far, so  good. I wondered if she was a good dancer. She certainly  was a good walker.  "Vanilla hazelnut?" I asked.  She looked back over her shoulder. "Excuse me?"  I motioned toward the ground coffee peeking out from  the grocery bag. "Though I recently came across some of  those newfangled crème brûlée beans, which smell awfully  similar."  "No, it's vanilla hazelnut," she said. "I'm impressed."  "I would've preferred to have been blessed with a ninety-  mile-an-hour fastball. Instead, I got a heightened sense of  smell."  "Better than nothing."  "Ah, you're an optimist," I said.  "Not these days."  I smacked my forehead. "Damn. That was dumb of me  to say. I'm really sorry."  "It's okay," she said, and almost smiled.  We walked up the front steps and went inside the house.  The foyer was a lot bigger than my apartment. The chande-  lier over our head was at least a... year's salary.MoreLess
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Guest 5 months ago

it is starting at chapter 31 and ending in the middle of sentence soon, pls check & CORRECT, THANX...............................................................................................................................................................................

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