Holy Terror in the Hebrides

Cover Holy Terror in the Hebrides
Genres: Fiction
It was sound psychology, I thought, meant to foster the communal warmth that was beginning to establish itself. People like to huddle together in the face of danger.
Only Janet seemed unhappy with the arrangement, seating herself at one end and establishing an invisible, but obvious, barrier. I sat next to her, but I didn’t try to talk. Whatever chip she was carrying on her shoulder, she wouldn’t be any more cordial if I tried to knock it off.
No, I was perfectly happy when Chris, who sat on my other side, made polite conversation.
“How is the music in your English church, Mrs. Martin?”
“Dorothy, please. And it’s wonderful. My church is a cathedral, you know; Sherebury is a very old cathedral town. The church dates from shortly after the Conqueror, and a bit of the original building is still there, although most of it is late fifteenth, early sixteenth century, perpendicular style. The acoustics are incredible, and while the choir isn’t in the very top rank—I mean, it isn’t King’s Col
...lege—it’s very, very good.MoreLess
Holy Terror in the Hebrides
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